Friday, April 8, 2011

New Zealand, the Alpine Fault

I am at the south island of New Zealand! More exactly, the Alpine Fault. The Alpine Fault is a transform boundary between the Pacific Plate and the Indo-Australian Plate.
 The movement of the two plates results and a LOT of earthquakes. There are no volcanoes because those are created from convergent plate boundary subduction. The Alpine Fault also created the South Alps.  Below is a close up of the Alpine Fault. >.<
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ above is a log of the more major earthquakes! dannnnnnng that's a lot.

ahhhh so enough about all this explanation of the fault line. Now it's time to explain the real reason I'm here! O GOSH! I did a little research with my portable angel laptop (has amazzzzing wifi!), I discovered that I can't ever find some exact names. the 7.1 magnitude earthquake near Christchurch (remember that info comes from all sources so it's a bit different from the picture above) had a shocking death toll of 147 and still some people are missing or injured. I hope the unfortunate souls made it to heaven...

waaaaah this whole flying around and learning about people dying business is really harshing my mellow. HAHAHAHAHAHA ain't that wonderful? YOU. ARE. HARSHING. MY. MOOD. That's pretty fantastical! Anywayyys I am exhausssted. I think I shall go napeth on that cloud. That reminds me... I haven't gone to check out any sheep yet! booo I was really looking forward to meet those little critters. You know what? PSSSSSSSSHHHHHHT with the napping! I'm off to count sheep! ahah as I mentioned in the blog post before this one, counting sheep helps people fall asleep (it sorta rhymes!). Weeeeellll the silly thing is, I'm blowing off sleepy time to count sheep! I guess you could call that ironic. 

so time to sign off :)

eeeep my laptop is malfunctioning! stupid blue highlighter...

New Zealand is suppppper interesting and I'm excited to fly to the next location! (The Red Sea!) ttyl kiddies <3

1 comment:

  1. You wrote very little but I still learned a your background is epic!
