Wednesday, April 6, 2011

next stop, New Zealand!

Next place I'm going to visit is New Zealand! I'll explain the details later. First, I think I'll go to a hotel in China because I am exhausted!
Now ain't that just delightful? I know I'm going to sleep well tonight! But first, I SENSE AN EARTHQUAKE. RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE. just kidding. I am just really hungry. HMMMMMMMMM.... what would I want... Well I adorrre dim sum so i guess... I SHALL EATITH DIM SUM.

Now tell me that doesn't look scrumdidliumtious. If you did, then I will send the all mighty Hermes to punish you. Because lying is just wrong. and THAT'S RIGHT. I personally know the giant killer. Yahhhh we are really tight. CHECK IT! we even have matching T's!

So it's been a looooong day. One location down, three more to go! Poor Swedish climber... I hope he was able to climb his way to heaven. You know, now that I think about it... I might've seen that guy around the Acadamy! weirdd.... small world.

Again, if anyone bothers to listen about my life before I died, I was pretty good at collecting things. Seriously, I had cows galoooore. I just hope they haven't been sold off... So as an Angel, I have a power of disguising myself so I look human (but not the way I was before or some people would get suspicious of a dead person coming back...
and this was me a couple years before the cheesy messs

So occasionally people are a little suspicious of a small child wandering the streets on her own...
this is the form I take up now. Aren't I just a doll?!?
As I was saying, I collect souvenirs now. I have a collection from all over the world because I can travel ppreeeettttty fast. Well, when I'm in my angel form. (the little kid form gives me really small legs so...) I fly around through the clouds; quite calming as a matter of fact. So in India when I was in the Himalayas lecturing the people that read this blog, I picked up a little something for my trove. drumroll please!!!!!
Aren't they adorable! It was pretty tough deciding if I wanted some bangles or these cute figurines. But near the end, I saw a little booth where people signed up for elephant rides. And guess what? That mean man wouldn't let me ride. But I was in my human form and it was probably just for the form's safety... So I may never ride an elephant in my after life EVER. Hmmm.... Maybe that'll be the start of my after life bucket list! Hopefully an elephant won't kill me like the volcano did... So that was the souvenir I got an India. And because I am an amazing multi-tasker, I was blogging while shopping for a souvenir in China! I'm wearing it right now because it is so brilliantly amazing and represents China so well! I put it on the necklace myself :).

Well I have accomplished A LOT today. It's time to retire to the hotel, finally. Good night! Wish me sweet dreams of counting sheep! >.< baaaa

get it? because New Zealand has TONS of sheep. No joke. they actually just have a ridiculous amount of sheep.
<3 night night <3

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