Tuesday, April 12, 2011


so my dear fine author of argsome adventures, I will currently proceed to answer your very very GREAT question. I am about to unveil the secret location...

MOUNT MERAPI! AHHAHAHA! I tricked you guys! The secret isn't the location silly. The secret is... too amazingly obvious to be hinted at right now. I'll tell you people about it later... and when I mean later, I mean the bottom of this blog entry. But I know what your thinking, I would think it too... YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SCROLL DIRECTLY TO THE BOTTOM OF THE POST JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT TO KNOW THE SPECTACULAR SURPRISE. If you are a bummmm in the attic then you will scroll down. ARE YOU A BUM? I hope not. So just read the whole entry because eventually you will learn the amazing surpries :)

So less about the amazingness and let's get down to the FACTS.

cute hats right? that's definitley going to be my souvenir from Indonesia!
Mount Merapi is located in INDONESIA! That's a pretty BOMB DIGGITY (that was for you mika >.<) place right there!
The mountain is actually... AN ACTIVE VOLCANO! It is on a convergent boundary, formed because of subduction of the Indo-Australian plate and the Eurasian plate.

So how does convergent subduction work? Well for starters, let's get a nice animation going. Once again, click on the picture below...
Now there are different kinds of subduction... the one that I'm talking about now and then the other one. The other one is because of two oceanic plates that come together and one goes beneath the other and a volcano forms and since its under water you get an island like Hawaii. I think. Wow, that was sorta a  run on sentence. Anyways the one I'm talking about occurs when and oceanic and continental plate go towards each other. As I explained in what I believe was my second blog post about the Himalayas (I hope I'm right...), continental plates are less dense than oceanic, so the oceanic plate would be forced down. So, as I just said, the oceanic plate is forced down, and going down REAAAAALLLLY deep means that it goes into a high temperature environment. Well that reallllly hot temperature is so crazy hot that the oceanic plate starts MELTING. insanity right? The magma makes its way to the surface, and when it reaches cooler temperatures, it cools. That's what forms the volcano. IIFFF the magma rises to the surface but does not solidify, it will break through and be referred to as an eruption.

Mount Merapi is an active volcano, so it still erupts every now and then. so I'm searching.... OI. Yah a lot of dates so I'll just put up the link of the nice list of dates. *slow whistle*... no wonder... anyways here's the link: http://indahnesia.com/indonesia/MERHIS/a_history_of_eruptions.php

if you scroll down on this link, you can read about some facts about Mount Merapi, including the eruption in 2006 and 2010: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Merapi

OOOH boy! so much INFORMATION about the volcanoes. Now I was wondering about if eruptions could cause earthquakes or the other way around... My theory was that if a ton of pressure builds up in the mountain (like Mt. St. Helen) and then it finally blows its top... would it be a great enough tremor to call it an earthquake? Or would all the magma turn to smoke because it was so hot in the volcano and the whole Pompei  and its demise episode all over again. I may be wrong though because it's more of a guess so... I looked it up and found this site... http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/about/faq/faqerupt.php

I'm still not certain and am eager to find out so please comment if you do know anything about the relationship between volcano eruptions and earthquakes!


I am so depressed right now. :'( above is a picture of the devastation from Mount Merapi erupting. People homeless, people dead, homeland destroyed... I'm no longer in the mood to share my secret. But whatever, you guys waited to hear it so here it comes. The person who died at Mount Merapi that I am visiting today... was me. Remember that whole grilled cheese eruption mess? Yeah, I was at Mount Merapi...

This is my final post so I will be heading back to Angel Academy after this is done. I hope that you enjoyed following me along my Tectonic Travels!

Right now, I think we should spend a moment of our time to wish that all the people that were apart of the Mount Merapi eruptions good luck wherever they may be, alive or dead. Also send your thoughts to the people in Japan. I didn't visit there, but I'm sure you've heard what happened. I hope that things brighten up there and the people no longer have to suffer. I'm proud to say I went to Lakeside and that they took the time to make 1,000 cranes, $2 per crane, and send the money to help Japan. <3

thank you.

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